Gift of Music Program

Gift of Music Program ConcertThe Gift of Music Program at AMI is an outreach program providing free professional music performances throughout the Chicago metro community. Our mission in creating the Gift of Music Program is focused around bringing live classical and jazz music into the mainstream public. Musicians performing in the Gift of Music concerts include a variety of professional musicians, many of whom are on faculty at the American Music Institute.

Concerts are performed throughout the year, with an exceptional number of concerts performed during the Holiday Season. If you would like to attend an Open Concert performed in a public location, please feel free to check out our Calendar Page by clicking here.

The Gift of Music performances are held throughout various sectors of the community including Public Schools, Park Districts, Village Events, Coffee Shops, and Senior Centers. Concerts are performed by a variety of ensembles including solo violin (violin and piano), string trio (two violins and cello), violin duo (two violins), solo voice (vocalist and piano), jazz trio (guitar, bass, brass), and wind/string duo’s.

Organizations, businesses and schools are welcome to contact AMI with a request to hold a performance at their location or event. Click here to fill out a Request Form, and a Director will get back to you within five (5) business days with an approval of the concert date/location. You or your organization can also contact us via email at, or call us at (630) 850-850. We look forward to hearing from you!

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